Home Architecture Laka Competition 2017: Architecture that Reacts

Laka Competition 2017: Architecture that Reacts

by soyeladministradorlocodetcb
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Register: 11/01/2017
Submit: 11/02/2017
Eligibility: Architects, students, engineers, biologists, sociologists, designers, thinkers, companies, organizations; individually, interdisciplinary teams with unlimited number of members
Fee: 50 USD (04/01 – 06/01/2017), 75 USD (06/02 – 10/01/2017), 100 USD (10/02 – 11/01/2017)
Awards: 1st Prize 2,500 USD, 2nd Prize 1,500 USD, 3rd Prize 1,000 USD
10 Honorable Mentions
(Laka pays 10% tax on financial awards in country of its business activity).Laka Architecture invites designers from around the world to submit their ideas of architecture that reacts. That means architecture which is able to respond and adjust dynamically to the current needs and circumstances. These circumstances are often unpredictable, but their consequences can be crucial. The architecture that reacts is the architecture that lives as a living organism, since it responds to the external stimuli and it develops because of it-to react is to live.

Can architecture react to social needs?

The subject of the competition is a conceptual project of architecture that is socially engaged and is capable of reacting to unpredictable conditions and environmental, natural and social risks. Proposed solutions should constitute an ideological interpre­tation of modern technological solutions which take into consideration social and economic determinants. Architectural study should focus on architecture as a key field heading towards social revitalisation and increased safety and freedom of its users. Proposed solutions should involve a thorough analysis of the problem, for example, starting from outlining global factors and indicating key directions for modern ar­chitectural solutions. Accuracy of this analysis and po­tential of proposed solutions are going to be the main components of projects’ assessment.

Judging Criteria

Participants are free to decide about the location of the project, its scale, size and the program.

Listed below are 3 highlighted issues that the jury will pay attention to during judging:

1) a properly indicated architectural, social or environmental issue to solve

2) an accurate analysis of the selected issue

3) a properly chosen architectural solution that “reacts” and solves the indicated issue

Listed below are some issues that explain the concept of “Architecture that Reacts”: an ability to response for social, economic, environmental changes |a level of social and environmental engagement of the design | a relation with a specific social, natural and built context | a level of flexibility and adaptability of the design |an innovative use of technology and sustainable systems |a level of self-sufficiency of the design.

Website: lakareacts.com

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