Home Architecture A HOUSE FOR MAYA DEREN


by soyeladministradorlocodetcb
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Registration: 2017-07-01

Submission: 2017-07-15

Details: In a world dominated by Hollywood and its meaningless red carpets, Maya Deren stands as a heroine.

Indeed, as she herself said, she made her films with what Hollywood spends for lipstick.

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For Maya Deren film was not and is not an “industry,” as it is for the Hollywood barons, who colonized the world in the name of money, and more money, and more money.

Indeed, when we read a first review of a film, we read, first, how much it made at the “box office.”


And the whole world is dominated, complacently, by the financial aggressors and manipulators of Hollywood, who know how to kill a cat, by caressing it…

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This is why it is important to remember Maya Deren, this great avant-garde film maker, who, through her films, attempted to create what might be called A BULWARK OF RESISTANCE.

Resistance against the commercialization of life and art alike.

We need more bulwarks of resistance. And in architecture as well.

This is what we invite you to do: on this year of her centennial (on April 29th, 2017, there will be one hundred years since her birth), we ask you to imagine a commemorative HOUSE FOR MAYA DEREN that would explore, as creatively as possible, the themes and methods of her films.

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Could we have an architecture that would achieve some kind of “stream of consciousness,” architecturally…?

Bernard Tschumi and others have been influenced by various techniques used in film. We ask you to expand on this approach to architecture, upon seeing some of Maya Deren’s short films.

We quote from Wikipedia: “Using editing, multiple exposures, jump cutting, superimposition, slow-motion and other camera techniques to her fullest advantage, Deren creates continued motion through discontinued space, while abandoning the established notions of physical space and time, with the ability to turn her vision into a stream of consciousness.”

If we are to have a vital experimental architecture, perhaps we should find inspiration and impetus in other fields of artistic creation as well.

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Maya Deren represents an almost unique case, since women film directors are much rarer than men film directors, and even more so in the field of “experimental cinema.”

We need (again) a vital avant-garde, and as such, Maya Deren was and is an example.

Let’s celebrate her centennial as creatively as possible!

Please send us your work format A0, as many sheets as you want. The deadline to receive your work is July 15th, 2017. Please register before July 1st, in order to receive a registration number with which to anonymously identify your work. There is a registration fee of 40 euro for architects and 20 euro for students. All the works should be submitted digitally and we will print them for the exhibition in Vienna mentioned above. If you have any question, please contact us.

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Thank you,

ICARCH Gallery