International Architecture ideas competition: Site Temple

The Site Temple is a secluded place to enhance a meditative experience of solitude while stimulating the senses through the elements of light, matter and water; an intimate journey to immerse oneself into silence and profound tranquility.
Short Description
This international one-stage architecture ideas competition invites all architecture students, young architects and young professionals with a degree in architecture studies (≤ 40 years old) to develop and submit compelling ideas for the design of a Site Temple located at the ‘Vera Cruz da Figueira’ Fortress, Algarve, Portugal.
Link to Competition
Link to Registration form
Three prizes and seven honorable mentions
Type of Competition
Open to the public/Minimum requirements (Open to anyone that complies with the requirements), Single stage (Winners selected immediately)
Who can Participate
architecture students, young architects and young professionals with a degree in architecture studies (≤ 40 años).
Dates and Time Frame
Registration Closes October 5, 2020
Deadline to Submit Project October 10, 2020
Winners announcement Date December 11, 2020
Location of Competition
‘Vera Cruz da Figueira’ Fortress, Algarve, Portugal
Location of Project (if developed)
Additional Information
Banner, Poster, Brochure or Triptic of Competition