jumpthegap® Roca International Design Competition

Aim of the contestjumpthegap®aims to be one of the major agents proposing solutions to the challenges included in the 2030 agenda, thanks to the participation of professionals from the architecture and design sectors in the competition.For this reason, the 2021 edition will not end with the awards ceremony but will continue during 2022 with panel discussions and analyses, as its ideas and solutions provide inspiration for some of the challenges facing our planet and our society.
The bathroom, in the broadest sense, becomes the centralizing space for different human uses and needs, both physical and emotional, which define us and position us in the world.In this sense, we ask participants to design a product or service that:responds to any of the topics listed in the categories below, providing enough added value when compared with existing solutions relies on currently available materials and technologies is aligned with one or more Sustainable Development Goals included in the 2030 agenda.
The 10th edition of the competition establishes four categories:
-Wellness & Health
Designs that enhance the need for balance and harmony between our bodies, our mind and our environment. Proposals that help deliver a whole new level of comfort and peace of mind for our users and clients. A smart and responsible use of new technologies and materials to achieve significant improvements in the interactions between humans and their environment:
+ Hygiene and clean ability
+ Wellbeing
+ Health monitoring
+ Augmented senses
+ Sensitive interfaces
+ Emotional and spiritual
+ Physical and digital
+ Playful and useful
+ Work and leisure
-[Un]neutral design
Designs that ingeniously and meaningfully address the bodily diversity and the wide range of capacities displayed by human beings. Proposals that facilitate independent living through new creative personal aid features. A search for adaptive designs that lead to comfortable and convenient solutions. A reconfiguration of traditional bathroom equipment and organization to push for unrestricted use of the space by a wider range of human beings:
+ Gender
+ Ethnic
+ Age inclusive
+ Multi generational household
+ Reduced mobility and strength
+ Impaired eyesight/hearing
+ Memory loss and cognitive diversity
+ Newborns and kids
-Water & energy
Designs that promote a transformation in the face of rising demands and constraints as a consequence of population growth and climate change. Projects that promote a smart and conscious use of planetary resources. Technological leaps that break the assumption of the planet as an unlimited resource, and reformulate paradigms through:
+ De growth and decarbonisation
+ Clean energy
+ Circular design
+ Water saving
+ Micro generation
-Crisis & emergency
Designs that tackle a context of permanent crisis and emergency, through agile, feasible and replaceable materials and technologies. Proposals that identify adequate product/service solutions in any geographical market. A series of equipment with low installation costs, low operating costs, low maintenance demands and low sensitivity to harsh environments, that promote:
+ Flexible systems
+ Decentralized solutions
+ Autonomous water, energy and sanitation networks
+ Sanitation and health in natural disasters
+ On time reaction to humanitarian emergencies
+ Health crisis
Registration for the contest is free of charge and open from 3rd May 2021 10 am (GMT+2) online at www.jumpthegap.net, accessible through the registration page.All participants must submit their application to take part in the contest by 3 pm (GMT+2) on 3rd June 2021.By registering for the contest, participants confirm that they accept these rules.Any incomplete or incorrect information or any registration application that does not fulfill the required conditions will be considered as null and void.
-Presentation of project
Each project cannot be submitted to more than one category.
Projects must be absolutely anonymous: they cannot contain any names or personal details about the author/s, as all this information has been already provided through the registration.
All texts included in the project must be written in English.
The competing project must be submitted in: One pdf file, containing not more than 2 x A3 size pages.The maximum size of the pdf file will be 1.5 MB.The first page must include the title of the project, a text with the description of the project, and the main images.The text must not have more than 600 words, divided into three sections:
What is the project about? For whom?
Brief description (How it works, materials…)
What Sustainable Development Goal of the United Nations agenda 2030 are you offering a solution to and why will it be relevant in the future?
Any background information or additional details of the project should be placed on the second page.
Participants certify that the design is their own, original work and that it has never been published before. Designs must not have received any award, nor have been presented to any other competition at the time that they are entered for the jumpthegap® contest.
The organizers will not, without the written agreement of the participant, alter or amend in any way, the project submitted.
The jury is made up of the following professionals:
Shigeru Ban, Architect founder of Shigeru Ban
Somi Kim, Senior Director, Healthcare Solutions at Johnson & Johnson (J&J) Design
Paul Priestman, Designer, Chairman of PriestmanGoode
Andrea Trimarchi and Simone Farresin_Forma Fantasma design studio
Deborah Seward, Director of United Nations Regional Information Centre in Belgium
Mariana Amatullo, President of Cumulus International Association of Universities and Colleges of Art, Design and Media
Isabel Roig, Executive Director of Barcelona Design Centre & President of World Design Weeks
Marc Viardot, Corporate Marketing and Design Director Roca Group
Short Description
jumpthegap®aims to be one of the major agents proposing solutions to the challenges included in the 2030 agenda, thanks to the participation of professionals from the architecture and design sectors in the competition.
Roca with the collaboration of Barcelona centre de Disseny
Link to Competition
Link to Registration form
There are 4 prizes of 2.000€ for the winner of each category.
There are 8 prizes of 500€ for the 1st and 2nd runner up of each category.There is 1 prize of 5.000€ for the best of the best project, selected from the winners of each of the 4 categories
Type of Competition
Open to the public/Minimum requirements (Open to anyone that complies with the requirements), Single stage (Winners selected immediately)
Who can Participate
The contest is open to professionals and students from the disciplines of architecture, design and any related field, of legal age from every country in the world, and has two participation options:Individual projects: formed by a single person.Group projects: formed by two people. Each person or group may participate in one project only.
Participants must choose a category in which to submit their project.
The contest is open to professionals and students from the disciplines of architecture, design and any related field, of legal age from every country in the world, and has two participation options:Individual projects: formed by a single person.Group projects: formed by two people. Each person or group may participate in one project only.
Judges, their families, their studios or design teams may not compete. The same applies to employees of companies that form part of the Roca Group.Winners of any of Roca’s previous design contest editions are allowed to participate.
Dates and Time Frame
Registration Closes June 3, 2021
Deadline to Submit Project June 3, 2021
Winners announcement Date July 6, 2021
English, French
Location of Competition
Barcelona, Spain
Additional Information
Banner, Poster, Brochure or Triptic of Competition