Home Architecture Plan B – Space Museum Design Challenge

Plan B – Space Museum Design Challenge

by soyeladministradorlocodetcb
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Plan B – Space Museum Design Challenge

Plan_Cover.jpg Plan B - Space Museum Design Challenge


The theme of space has been explored much, over the years. Movies, series, storybooks, and other media have extensively covered imagining such spaces, and all of them have one image in their heads… the heavily metal fabricated, tech-savvy, automated geeks, running the operations.

This imagery holds true since they are derived from the current space technology and materials that have been developed. On other planets, the absence of atmosphere binds us inside a box, with restrictions on building materials, technology, and spatial design. That’s why our future life in space is imagined in the way it is.

Futurism is a very strong theme in these images, and we are still discovering the many elements that are encompassed in this vast universe. But with the way humans are faring right now, this seemingly imaginary situation might as well become a closer reality.

Are we ready to even comprehend the reality of our present situation, let alone start planning for interplanetary habitation?


Owing to our insensitive lifestyle, the planet we currently inhabit is on the brink of collapsing. As we are waking up to this realization, the fight for survival has become more real now. Even with the work being done towards sustainability, the pace that is needed to prevent mass annihilation is not being achieved. With this fear, a backup plan is contemplated, to ensure the survival of our species and life, even if Earth dies.

But if we did have to relocate, the questions that come to mind are endless. What aspects of life would we rethink? Can we prepare for such an experience within time? Even if we are able to successfully colonize another planet, how will we ensure the survival of our new home after having destroyed Earth? Will history repeat itself?

The amount of effort and resources that will go towards inhabiting a new planet are immense. But even a fraction of that, if put into rejuvenating what we have lost on Earth, could drastically improve our chances of survival on our home planet.

What role could designers play at this crucial standpoint in time, to reinforce this awakening?


We need to make people aware of the possibility of bringing change to the world. When they imagine their life on Earth, a new vision of coexistence and harmony with nature must be generated in their minds.

Brief: To design a space experience center that emulates a new planet to be colonized from scratch and tries to educate its visitors on how our daily life choices as a species, define the future.

The design of this experiential center must follow the theme of life on an alien planet. It can show the day-to-day activities and life in space. It can display what a typical shelter would look like.

Even though this center is designed to show its visitors what life on a new planet would look like, the aim of the design must be to highlight the changes that would occur in our lifestyle, and what we would be missing from our life on Earth.

The center will promote the green movement of sustainability.


Story – The careful curation of areas that we would need on another planet.

Learning – The experience should endorse learning for various ages about how planet colonization impacts ecosystems and the impact of our day-to-day actions.

User Experience – Even though the experience is out worldly, the journey of the visitor through the center must be engaging and interactive. Avoid ‘alienating’ the visitors.

Sustainable – The lessons learned from the years of damage rendered to Earth, to reimagine design in an idealistic sustainable manner.

Short Description

To design a space experience center that emulates a new planet to be colonized from scratch and tries to educate its visitors on how our daily life choices as a species, define the future.



Link to Competition

Link to Registration form


6000 USD

Runner – Up
6 x 1400 USD

People’s Choice
4 x 600 USD

Honorable Mention
12 x 600 USD

Type of Competition

Open to the public/Minimum requirements (Open to anyone that complies with the requirements), Single stage (Winners selected immediately)

Who can Participate

+ The competitions are open for students and professionals from all the disciplines of design.
+ The team limit for this competition is 4 members maximum per team.
+ You can register more than one team but they have to be registered separately.
+ Ensure that the final images submitted do not include your name or any other mark of identification.

Dates and Time Frame

Registration Opens June 12, 2021
Registration Closes October 25, 2021
Deadline to Submit Project October 26, 2021
Winners announcement Date December 23, 2021



Location of Competition

Texas, USA

Location of Project (if developed)


Additional Information

Banner, Poster, Brochure or Triptic of Competition


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