My State House: Call for Design Ideas

The Rhode Island State House Restoration Society* has launched a national ideas competition called My State House. This competition is part of a multiphase project that catalyzes conversation about the role of State Houses in civic and social life. In this current phase of the project, we are inviting community members, activists, architects, landscape architects, artists, futurists, and engineers to submit design concepts that reimagine this iconic building and its grounds to make it more welcoming, accessible, dynamic, and available for community use. As an ideas competition, there are no limitations to what you can propose. Innovative and radical concepts are welcome!
A jury will review all proposals anonymously and will select up to seven to receive a $1,500 stipend to create a more fully developed proposal. These expanded proposals will be exhibited in the Rhode Island State House in summer 2022 alongside other open call proposals and community submissions.
If you are interested in submitting, please register yourself or your team at (Registration is not binding in any way.) For more information and detailed, step-by-step instructions, see the My State House Call for Proposals available here.
Short Description
The Rhode Island State House Restoration Society invites community members, activists, architects, landscape architects, artists, futurists and engineers to participate in a national design ideas competition to reimagine a Rhode Island State House for the future. The competition, called My State House, asks participants to reconsider this iconic building and its expansive grounds, suggesting interventions that would make the Rhode Island State House more welcoming, accessible, dynamic, and available for community use.
Rhode Island State House Restoration Society
Link to Competition
Link to Registration form
A jury will select up to seven individuals/teams to receive an honorarium of $1,500 to expand their concepts into more fully developed proposals, due May 10, 2022.
In the third phase, the final proposals will be exhibited in the Lower Level Gallery of the Rhode Island State House from June – October 2022.
Type of Competition
Open to the public/Minimum requirements (Open to anyone that complies with the requirements), More than one stage (Winners selected after at least two selection phases)
Who can Participate
Anybody! As an individual or as a team. You may submit more than one proposal.
Dates and Time Frame
Registration Closes January 12, 2022
Deadline to Submit Project January 12, 2022
Winners announcement Date
Location of Competition
Rhode Island, USA (open to people everywhere)
Additional Information
Banner, Poster, Brochure or Triptic of Competition