Home Architecture Essay Writing Contest: ‘Orating History’ – Saga of your Choice. Pen it down!
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Essay Writing Contest: ‘Orating History’ – Saga of your Choice. Pen it down!

1.png Essay Writing Contest: ‘Orating History’ - Saga of your Choice. Pen it down!

We believe that history is a collection of factual data. Does one wonder if it’s open to interpretation? When a historian writes history, isn’t it his/her take on the events of history? As learners of Architectural history, we should ponder over the recorded events and their impacts on architecture or vice versa. It is possible that one may realize and or conclude scenarios that have not been discussed as yet. History is not stagnant if one is constantly questioning and re-looking it.This essay competition expects you to dive into Architectural History and bring back fruits of wisdom that may add to the discussion in the discipline. One could opine based on various versions of the history of a particular time period/place. One could also cross compare histories of various geographic locations. To further the relevance of history, one can discuss past events and architecture in the context of today. These are just a few ways one can delve into history and come out with nourishing thoughts. We invite the entrants to contemplate, comment and concertize; the questions, thoughts, and opinions that cross your mind while you dig into the caverns of history.

Submission Guidelines:
– Submissions are open to all writers in English. International submissions are welcome.
– Maximum two entries/essays per registrant are allowed.- The Essay/entry may be accompanied by an Illustration/Photograph (optional).
– Each essay should not exceed 800 words.- The entry along with the registration screenshot should be sent to [email protected] with the subject line Essay Writing Contest, 4th Cycle

– Category (collegians, and Open) in a word document with 12 pt., Arial font, single-line spacing.
– All entrants must mention any of their social media handles with the submission (Instagram, Twitter or Facebook, etc.)
– The submission should be an original work of the entrant and will go through a plagiarism test.
– We will announce the winners in the first week of July 2022.

Jury Panel for the Competition comprises
– J. Subramanian, Architect & Design Educator, Middle East & India
– Fatema Kabir, Architect & Researcher, Pune, India
– Pappal Suneja, PhD Scholar, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Germany
– Lola Kleindouwel, Architectural Designer, the Netherlands
– Miguel Castaño, Product Designer & Researcher, Germany & Colombia
– Sarah Emminger, Poetry slammer and Journalist, Vienna, Austria

Short Description

Essay Writing Contest, 4th Cycle is the twentieth initiative of the Architectural Journalism & Criticism Organization founded by architect Pappal Suneja to spread awareness about this subject and sow the seeds of inspiration to explore and write about Architecture and allied fields from an explorer’s perspective.Theme for the Series in this cycle is ‘Orating History’ – Saga of your Choice. Pen it down!


Architectural Journalism & Criticism Organisation

Link to Competition

Link to Registration form


Winning Prizes for the Competition are
Citation AwardAn AJC curated set of books worth 15000 INR/200 USD.
Special Mention An AJC curated set of books worth 7000 INR/100 USD.
Besides this, we shall send attested E-Certificates of Participation to all the entrants and the winning entries shall be featured on several web architectural portals. Also, the best entries shall be complied as an Anthology with ISBN No. after the successful run of all the cycles under this Series.

Type of Competition

Open to the public/Minimum requirements (Open to anyone that complies with the requirements), Single stage (Winners selected immediately)

Who can Participate

Collegians, Professionals, Academicians; Researchers & Design Enthusiasts (Open to All)

Dates and Time Frame

Registration Opens April 4, 2022
Registration Closes June 2, 2022
Deadline to Submit Project June 2, 2022
Winners announcement Date July 4, 2022



Location of Competition


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