Architecture, Design and Urbanism Competition Results Archive
Architecture, Design and Urbanism Competition Results Archive


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rAUP  –  Filip Romic  –  Kresimir RomicUniversity of Zagreb – Faculty of Architecture

Ganadores del Concurso Rome Motorino Check Point

A mechanical device is placed in the plot and inhabits the square. An infrastructure that solves the program forcefully and makes it the main character. The repetition of a pattern creates a strong system through which all main decisions are taken. A mat building that generates shadows on the ground floor and a new landscape in the roof. Sense of measure and dimension behind the grid of the system are carefully planned.

Ganadores del Concurso Rome Motorino Check Point Ganadores del Concurso Rome Motorino Check Point

Ganadores del Concurso Rome Motorino Check Point

Entry Board

Ganadores del Concurso Rome Motorino Check Point

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