Architecture, Design and Urbanism Competition Results Archive
Architecture, Design and Urbanism Competition Results Archive


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rAUP  –  Filip Romic  –  Kresimir RomicUniversity of Zagreb – Faculty of Architecture

Ganadores del Concurso Rome Motorino Check Point Ganadores del Concurso Rome Motorino Check Point

The main object of this design challenge is to bring order to the city’s chaotic traffic. The challenge lies in designing a functional, highly efficient main building to serve as the headquarters of the Motorino Checkpoints, a network of parking areas in the whole city. The site, the Cinquecento Piazza in front of the central station Roma Termini and its role as a main building call for a highly expressive appearance.

The Motorino Checkpoint forms a linking point between the turbulent crush of the scooters and the straight linearity of the railroad lines. In response to these different types of movement, we developed a proposal with enormous height.

We consider the parking area as a vertical element to be a sculpture. Not least to treat carefully the antique roman complex, which the site faces. It is a light structure, working like a paternoster, covered with radially arranged scooters as facade. The scooters’ illumination at night epitomizes the city’s mobility, similar to a chart.

Ganadores del Concurso Rome Motorino Check Point Ganadores del Concurso Rome Motorino Check Point

Entry Board

Ganadores del Concurso Rome Motorino Check Point

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