Architecture, Design and Urbanism Competition Results Archive
Architecture, Design and Urbanism Competition Results Archive


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(C I R C U S)  –  Larissa Elschen  –  TU Darmstadt

Ganadores del Concurso Rome Motorino Check Point

The Rome Motorino Checkpoint would be a complementary building to Rome’s main train station Roma Termini. Adapting its scale to the pavilion-like structures on Piazza dei Cinquecento allows a visual connection to the Roma Termini’s low entrance from all points of the Piazza.

In fact the Motorino (Circus) evolves from the ground and becomes part of the Piazza and the other way round, refering to the image of the Circo Massimo. Replacing the former parking lot – inaccessible for pedestrians crossing the square – an urban plaza is created. As the circularly shaped roof of the Motorino Check Point folds down to meet the ground on one side the space opens up towards the train station welcoming passers-by and travelers going across Piazza dei Cinquecento.

Ganadores del Concurso Rome Motorino Check Point Ganadores del Concurso Rome Motorino Check Point Ganadores del Concurso Rome Motorino Check Point


Especially the scooter drivers leaving or picking up their Motorino at one of the three fully automatic underground parking check points will enjoy their way through the secluded and peaceful garden area. For they will be able to escape from the busy roads not needing to look for a parking spot before rushing to the station to catch their train.

Since all motorized vehicles, including the Motorinos, will approch the (Circus) from the northern side via Viale Enrico de Nicola, the public space in the heart of the Check Point will be reserved for pedestrians. The two transparent layers framing the interior spaces such as the repair shop and washing service, class rooms etc. work as a filter between these two distinct urban spaces.

Eventually, not only the generous plaza with its information service and café but also the accessible roof structure will invite people to stay for a while and discover a new perspective on what can be a parking place.

Entry Board

Ganadores del Concurso Rome Motorino Check Point

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