Logo Design Competition: Caffè Diemme New Logo Creation

The new logo should have the highest level of legibility while also communicating concepts such as continuity, trustworthiness, reputation as well as research, vocation for partnership building and internationalization.
Short Description
Caffè Diemme and Desall invite you to design a new company logo that is elegant and modern at the same time and which conveys both the brand’s tradition and attention to innovation. Deadline: February 24, 2022
Link to Competition
Link to Registration form
Award €3000
Type of Competition
Open to the public/Minimum requirements (Open to anyone that complies with the requirements), Single stage (Winners selected immediately)
Who can Participate
Participation is free of charge and open to designers and creative talents of any nationality aged 18 years or older.
Dates and Time Frame
Registration Closes February 24, 2022
Deadline to Submit Project February 24, 2022
Winners announcement Date
Location of Competition
Location of Project (if developed)
online – international
Additional Information
Banner, Poster, Brochure or Triptic of Competition