The TOP door stopper – Viefe Design Competiton

If you want to put your talent to the test and experiment within the field of decorative accessory design, then this really is your moment!
Send to Viefe your idea of what your design would be for “the top door stopper”, something which, when installed, would turn out to be perfect for all types of floors and walls due to its shape, ease of use and material. It should also bring added style while at the same time being functional by helping to avoid impacts.
You have until the 31st of January 2024 to enter your design.
If you do become the author of the winning design, you will receive €1,000, plus any royalties derived from the possible commercialization of your design: you will be able to come in and form part of our collaborative design team at Viefe and your design could well be included in our forthcoming catalogues.
Short Description
Win €1.000 sending to Viefe your idea of what your design would be for “the top door stopper”, something which, when installed, would turn out to be perfect for all types of floors and walls due to its shape, ease of use and material. It should also bring added style while at the same time being functional by helping to avoid impacts.
Link to Competition
Link to Registration form
If you do become the author of the winning design, you will receive €1,000, plus any royalties derived from the possible commercialization of your design: you will be able to come in and form part of our collaborative design team at Viefe and your design could well be included in our forthcoming catalogues.
Type of Competition
Open to the public/Minimum requirements (Open to anyone that complies with the requirements), Single stage (Winners selected immediately)
Who can Participate
It can take part professionals and students worldwide from the fields of industrial design, designers and architects, over 18 years of age.
Dates and Time Frame
Registration Closes January 31, 2024
Deadline to Submit Project January 31, 2024
Winners announcement Date February 9, 2024
English, Spanish
Location of Competition
Barcelona, Spain
Banner, Poster, Brochure or Triptic of Competition