First Prize Pedro Manuel Araújo, Michael Oliveira Second Prize Tomas Ghisellini, Andrea Andreotti, Nicola Cataldo Third Prize Joon Bom Shim Honorable Mention Frank Dittel, Andreas Blödow, Vera Kölblin, Belinda Pradella Honorable Mention Szymon Nowakowski, Jedrzej Pawlaczyk, Dorota Piechocinska Honorable Mention Alan Lau, Sand Helsel Honorable Mention Kwang Min Lee, Jae […]
First Prize Belvedere First Mention Casa de los Naranjos Second Mention The Mountain Top House
First Prize Re-Frame Toledo Second Prize METABOLIZING DREDGE: Dredge as the Fuel for Toledo’s Urban Future Third Prize Catching Scape Forth Prize Landscape as Lure: Hybrid Hunting Grounds for the Lake Erie Littoral Fifth Prize Terra incognita
First Prize Architetti Associati A.TOMASELLI L. PIRAZZI Second Prize Andrea STARR-STABILE Third Prize GAVINELLI Architettura Studio Associato Fourth Prize Martina BOCCUZZI Fifth Prize CROTTI + FORSANS Architetti
First Prize Bodega and Piedrafita Architects Fabrizio Devoto, Leandro Villalba, Nicolas Rudolph Uruguay Second Prize Satellit Arkitekter AB Emil Mattsson, Tijana Petrovic, Madalina Baetu, Henrik Eriksson Sweden Third Prize Michael Townshend, David Klocek Michael Townshend, David Klocek Canada Honorable Mention Rasa Anaityte + Nicolas Lebeer Belgium Honorable Mention Ieva Butkute […]
First Place The Catalyst Studio GeKo,Bastian Gerner, Pola Rebecca Koch, of Arhus Denmark Second Place Mobile Miami Jeff Jasinski and Matt Dureiko Kent State University in Cleveland, Ohio Third Place MoPAD Michael Barker New York City
Winner BIG U BIG TEAM New York, New York Winner Living with the Bay: A Comprehensive Regional Resiliency Plan for Nassau County’s South Shore Interboro Team Long Island, New York Winner New Meadowlands: Productive City + Regional Park MIT CAU + ZUS + URBANISTEN The Meadowlands, New Jersey Winner Resist, […]
First Prize (ex aequo) Seelake TOVATT ARCHITECTS & Planners AB Stockholm, Sweden First Prize (ex aequo) Sunny Side of the City KCAP Architects and Planners Zürich, Switzerland Finalist Eteläpuisto city shore Finalist Lakeside balcony Finalist Parks & blocks Finalist Rapid rhytms
First Prize Mandaworks AB + Hosper Sweden AB Stockholm (Sweden) Third Prize APROX architects Bratislava (Slovakia) Special Prize Marko&Placemakers, GutGut London (UK), Bratislava (SK) Special Prize Siebert + Talaš, spol.s r.o. Bratislava (Slovakia)
First Prize Quang Le, Lien Hoang Phuong VIETNAM Second Prize Frida Boström, Marika Lundberg SWEDEN Third Prize José Manuel Rodríguez Dávila, Carolina Turmo Olivié SPAIN Mention Gleb Chusovitin RUSIA Mention Raquel Corney Rasclosa, Isaac Mayor Molina SPAIN Mention Gabriela Gonzalez, Constanza Ipinza Olatte CHILE […]
Grand Prize Winner Inside-out Porch Chad Butterworth, Michael Mills, Jose Noya, Nilam Patel, Carrie Strayhorn and John Whitaker Award Finalist Neighborhood Wall Benjamin Wathen and Richard Delpilar Award Finalist Community Porch Sara Marley and David Benson Honorable Mention Front Porch: Impressions A collaboration of The Clark Enersen […]
First Place Yuen Fung Cheungs Hong Kong Second Place Rawisara Chulerk, Nichakul Kulvanich, Tien Thongvanit, Prab Raktabutrs Thailand Third Place Abd-elrahman Elsayed Ahmed, Aly Magdy Mohamed Fouad, and Mahmoud Mohamed Hassans Egypt Honorable Mention Suthida Lertpanichphan, Patteera Chantrasuriyarat, Paphawarin Phrukwatthanakul, Rarin Komolsiripakdi, Thanakorn Leelasathapornkuns Thailand Honorable […]