Home Results Results of the Competition Bamboo Skyscraper – SINGAPORE

Results of the Competition Bamboo Skyscraper – SINGAPORE

by soyeladministradorlocodetcb
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Results of the Competition Bamboo Skyscraper - SINGAPORE

Results of the International ideas competition that challenges participants to design a NewArchitect’s Village Bamboo Skyscraper that takes into account the need for a contemporary approach of bamboo construction in such an urban setting and today’s ever-increasing need for ecological design principles. The design should be visually and aesthetically engaging in contributing to the wider investigation to the use and possibilities of bamboo in tall construction design.

The new proposed skyscraper city should in general maximise positive impact of such a vertical structure and be an acceptable addition to the Singapore City Skyline.

It should respond directly to the issue of sustainable and ecology space creation in a city such as Singapore. And also address the social, environmental, cultural and economic issues and concerns of the ever-increasing construction of urban Skyscrapers.

The proposal must have bamboo as the dominant material with the program incorporating at least the following spaces clearly detailed and justified as participants are free to decide on the ratio, size and space combination within their program:

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  • 50% Office / Studios
  • 30% Hotel / Residential Use
  • 20% Recreational Use (Including any landscape/gardens)
  • 10% Educational / Workshops Use
  • Bicycle Parking
  • Circulation Management
  • Access (Horizontal and Vertical)
  • Safety

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