Home Architecture 17th Shelter International Architectural Design Competition for Students

17th Shelter International Architectural Design Competition for Students

by soyeladministradorlocodetcb
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Competition Name: 17th Shelter International Architectural Design Competition for Students

Link: http://www.shelter.jp/compe/2015/eng/index.html

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Registration: 2015-09-11

Submission: 2015-09-11

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Details: ●Theme
“Freeing Architecture”

-The First Prize  (1Award)      \2,000,000 and Certificate of Merit
-The Second Prize(2Award)      \  500,000 and Certificate of Merit
-The Third Prize (3Award)       \  100,000 and Certificate of Merit
-Commendations(Several awards)  Certificates of Merit and prize gift

●Eligibility of entry
1. International Entries are welcomed!

2. Applicants must be under-graduate or post-graduate students at universities or at tertiary institutions (as on 28 November 2015).

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Tertiary institutions include: junior colleges, colleges of technology, and other relevant vocational schools.

3. If selected at the initial private jury, which will be held at Shelter’s HQ offices, applicant must be available to participate in an open presentation (the final jury) to be held in Tokyo on 28 November 2015 (Saturday).

※Participants at the open-jury presentation must prepare one A1 sheet presentation board.
※Transportation and accommodation costs will be paid for one person per entry.

-Print out the reply email that you receive from the competition office, and glue it to the back of your submission, in the bottom right-hand corner. Write your entry number on the front side of your submission, in the top right-hand corner.
→ Diagram showing how to affix entry form and entry number to submission.

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-One A2 sized sheet of paper ( 594mm×420mm), portrait or landscape. (Please do not mount on rigid panel.)

-Explanatory texts should be included on the sheet, and can be in Japanese or in English. The types of illustrations and the scale of drawings are to be decided by the entrants. Submitted work must be original, and must not have been published previously.

※We require that all submissions by physical, and sent to us by mail or courier.
※We do not accept digital submissions sent by email.
※Submissions can be sent rolled, but must not be folded.
※Submissions will not be returned.

●Submission period
Works must be received at Shelter Design Competition Office no later than 11 September.

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※Due to the large number of applicants, we are unable to individually notify each applicant that we have received their submission.
※Confirmation of receipt and the required time for delivery is the responsibility of the individual applicant.

●Submission address
Shelter Design Competition Office (Shelter Co., Ltd. Tokyo office):
Shiba-mita-mori building, 5-13-15 Shiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo
108-0014 Japan

Phone:+81-(0)3 5418 8800
FAX:+81-(0)3 5418 8801
Mail [email protected]
※Enquiry via email only

-Initial Jury
It was held on 19 September 2015(Saturday).

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-Final Jury
It will be held on 28 November 2015(Saturday) at the Tokyo International Forum in Tokyo.
-Judging procedure and announcement of results
A number of works will be selected at the Initial Jury, which will be held on 19 September 2015, and the results of this jury will be announced on this website. The authors of the selected works will be invited to present their works, either in Japanese or in English, at an open-jury (the final jury) in Tokyo on 28 November 2015 (Saturday). The Jury will decide the first, second and third prizes at the open-jury. The works will be published on The Shelter Corporation’s website and in architectural magazines.

※Participants at the open-jury presentation must prepare one additional A1 sheet presentation board.
※All Submissions will not be returned, and become the property of Shelter Co., Ltd.
Shelter Co., Ltd. reserves the right to reproduce, distribute, in part or in whole, any images or text included in the submission material.

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