Home Architecture CLUE – Community Lighting for the Urban Environment

CLUE – Community Lighting for the Urban Environment

by soyeladministradorlocodetcb
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Competition Name: CLUE – Community Lighting for the Urban Environment

Link: http://www.cluecompetition.com/en/

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Registration: 2016-01-30

Submission: 2016-01-31

HostArmada - Affordable Cloud SSD Web Hosting

Details: CLUE is an international lighting competition open to all lighting applications and spaces named Community Lighting for the Urban Environment – CLUE. It is therefore with great pleasure and enthusiasm that I am sending you the details of our Edition 02 of CLUE competition under the theme: LIGHTIUS LOCI – SPIRIT OF LIGHT.

CLUE – Community Lighting for the Urban Environment has set itself the goal of encouraging and challenging young designers such as students (University & Colleges) and emerging Professionals (<5 years in their profession) to develop innovative lighting concepts for interior and exterior spaces, stimulate challenging ideas and recognize the individuals creating those ideas.

EDITION 02: LIGHTIUS LOCI – SPIRIT OF LIGHT – To learn more about this edition’s contest visit www.cluecompetition.com.

1ST PRIZE: $5 000 // 2ND PRIZE: $2 500 // 3RD PRIZE: $1 000

HostArmada - Affordable Cloud SSD Web Hosting

JANUARY 30, 2016, 11:59 P.M. (GMT-5)
Deadline for competition registration

JANUARY 31, 2016, 11:59 P.M. (GMT-5)
Deadline for projects submission